Richard Leirer has 52 years of Tai Chi Experience and Training. He Created Programs for Surgery Rehabilitation at the World Famous Cleveland Clinic Hospital.
Not all exercises are equal. Richard’s programs are deigned to build a strong immune system, build new blood and new bone and enhance cellular remodeling. Anyone can do it, regardless of current health and body condition.
Our Body is Like a Flowing River, always moving and being replaced by New Blood and New Stem Cells That Continually recreate our Body.
•About 2.5 % of our Total Blood Volume is Replaced Daily. That means we have Lost 2.5 % Daily. We have to make new blood everyday.
•The mean age of circulating Blood RBCs ranged from 38 to 60 days in the average adult.
•New Blood is Created in the Bone Marrow of the Flat Bones inside our adult body and External Pressure on the Flat Bones, creates new Blood Production and new Stem Cells. The Flat Bones are the Wing Bone or Scapula, the Hip, the Ribs and the Sternum.
The long round bones, like your legs and arms are not making new blood in adults. See my videos for detailed explanation.
•Adult Stem Cells make New Blood, and New Blood Carries Adult Stem Cells to All Areas of the Body for Regeneration.
The Mechanism to Activate this new stem cell production and to create bio electricity in the body is called Mechanotransduction.
It is generally broken down into three steps:
(2) cell–cell communication and
(3)the effector response.
•To simplify this for patients, these same elements can be thought of as
• (1) the mechanical trigger or catalyst,
• (2) the communication throughout a tissue to distribute the loading message and
•(3) the response at the cellular level to effect the response—that is, the tissue “factory” that produces and assembles the necessary materials in the correct alignment. The communication at each stage occurs via cell signaling—an information network of messenger proteins, ion channels and lipids.
Well, translated into plain understanding, our body needs inward, downward physical force to activate the system. That is why not all exercises are equal.
Next Post is on the Immune System. How it works and how to build a strong one. Lymphatic Fluid can only be circulated in the body through skeletal muscle pumping action. Stay tuned.
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